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The 4th Industrial Revolution? Industry 4.0

They are calling it the 4th industrial revolution.  Bosch Rexroth has come out with a new term; Industry 4.0.  What exactly does Industry 4.0 mean? Industry 4.0 is a term encompassing a number of advanced automation, data-exchange, industrial manufacturing technologies, and promoting the computerization of manufacturing to created a "Smart Factory".

Bosch Rexroth describes Industry 4.0 as, "An industrial world where the virtual world of information technology, the physical world of machines, and the internet are rapidly transformed into one.  The ability for collaboration and data exchange in real time are highly increased, offering exciting opportunities to those with the expertise and foresight to quickly integrate."  We believe that strategies and concepts such as Industry 4.0 are going to revolutionize the manufacturing industry allowing for fully optimized production. 

Bosch Rexroth’s Industry 4.0

The term did not just come out of thin air, it was actually coined in 2012 by the Robert Bosch Company, the parent company of Bosch Rexroth.  At Bosch Rexroth they are not just the lead user of the philosophy/technology but are the lead supplier of its offerings and technologies.  Below are just some of the new product offerings that fit the industry 4.0 philosophy from Bosch Rexroth:

Open Core Engineering

Bosch describes Open Core Engineering as technoloogy that revolutionizes software engineering.  The open core interface allows machine manufacturers to, for the first time, access the core of their control systems to configure and modify variables as well as motion and PLC functions with ease and simplicity.

IndraMotion MLC

Bosch Rexroth's Indramotion MLC is an open, embedded industry-controlled for machine control and movement guidance.  It features an Ethernet-based fieldbus (sercos, Ethernet IP, Profinet) and IP communication, along with an Integrated OPC-UA server for M2M communication with other components and systems.

IndraDrive Mi

Bosch Rexroth's IndraDrive MI completely integrates electronics and motor into a single unit.  This essentially eliminates the need for cabinet drive electronics and reduces the wiring required to connect the individual components by 90% making it a more streamlined and optimized solution.

Integrated Axis Controller – IAC

Bosch Rexroth's Integrated Axis Controller - IAC - Multi-Ethernet is an OBE regulator platform for hydraulic drives.  It features a cascade hydraulic gear regulator for optimized hydraulic control engineering resulting on increased output.

Watch this video for more explanation on what exacty a "Smart Factory" entails

Take a look at the video below from Bosch Rexroth explaing the various products that are offered for Industy 4.0

Bosch Rexroth is an engineering and manufacturer of hydraulics, electric drives and controls, gear technology, and linear motion and assembly technology, which uses a wide distributorship to provide solutions to its customers.  Hydrotech, Inc. is the exclusive Bosch Rexroth distributor and solutions provider for Ohio and Kentucky.

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American industry has never enjoyed more opportunity than it does today – or faced more challenges. Hydrotech is here to help you compete, evolve, lead, and win with superior solutions in fluid power, automation, service & repair, and connected technologies.